Ann payout bank-ATLAS

he Deposit Protection Fund hereby informs the depositors of Atlas Banka Montenegro in bankruptcy and the general public that after the conducted procedure of selection of the payout bank, it has decided to designate the following banks for the payout of guaranteed deposits:

– Societe Generale Montenegro AD Podgorica;

– Hipotekarna banka AD Podgorica

– NLB Banka AD Podgorica and

– Crnogorska Komercijalna BankaAD Podgorica

For the purpose of a faster and expedient withdrawal of their guaranteed deposits, all natural persons- depositors of Atlas Bank Montenegro in bankruptcy (who do not intend to take their guaranteed deposits in cash) are advised to open an account in one of the selected banks before the payout commencement date.

The depositors and the public will be timely informed about the payout commencement date, as well as the addresses and working hours of the payout posts.

Director General,

Predrag Marković

Miljana Vukova bb
81000 Podgorica
Crna Gora

Telefon: (+382) 20 210 466
Telefon: (+382) 20 210 435
Fax: (+382) 20 210 465



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